Director of California Regulatory Affairs at the California Independent System Operator (CAISO)


Visiting Delphine at the California ISO is eye opening.  There is an abundance of information about the energy that is being generated and where it is being sent and used in real time.  Delphine explains how the grid works, and how renewables challenge the delicate balance of the grid. She explains the various markets.  She helps us understand how electricity is bought and sent through the high transmission wires throughout the state and the region.  

Bet you didn’t know the price of electricity changes every 5 minutes.  There are times when solar and wind are generating more electricity than we are using so it goes negative in price.  At these times it is sold to other markets or taken off line. Unfortunately, the customer does not get the benefit of the rate changes. Adilson Motter and Killian Tobin have created digital technology that will allow customers to react to the price fluctuations. This will give the customer the ability to charge or use electricity when it is abundant and cheap.  And that will help the ISO and utilities balance the grid. Communicating with the customer is essential to reaching this goal.

“Electrifying transportation could be one of the solutions that help the ISO balance supply and demand.”

The ISO is a non-profit that serves to get us the best price and reliable energy. It has a smartphone app that allows people to track demand trends and renewable output throughout the state.